Private Green Development Fund – Zero Emit Private Green Development Fund Mon, 23 Mar 2020 23:39:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why Green Private Sector Finance Mon, 25 Jun 2018 12:15:44 +0000 ZERO EMIT, a private green development funder of profitable, technically advanced infrastructure doing sustainable environmental & socially responsible projects.

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ZERO EMIT Private Green Development Fund

High Tech Solutions to Improve Our World

Why Green Private Sector Finance?


What is the impact problem we are trying to solve.

  1.   Nascent economies have limited funds to do development
  2.   The funds they do have are derived from the most successful businesses in their community; so their funding source is the same people that would be growing their community’s economy more efficiently on their own.
  3.   Their funding choices are based upon what will get them the quickest political advantage, so they can win the next election.
  4.   Their choices are almost never what is best for the world or even the regional economy.
  5.   They are, because of budget constraints, not going to spend money on more expensive environmentally conscious, technically advanced solutions.


The solution to all of these challenges is privately funded development capital that is utilized to fund socially and environmentally conscious infrastructure development that also delivers SDG outcomes.

Enter ZERO EMIT, a private capital development funding company that focuses on profitable, technically advanced infrastructure to grow sustainable economic development in the green space.

No more will the least developed countries also be the biggest polluters and the slowest to do social good.


Building a better future for our neighbors…
Financing that delivers social, environmental & economic outcomes for a better life.

Our ZERO EMIT New Proven Technologies :



These Zero Emit, carbon credit technologies are employed in ECOWAS countries utilizing:
Wind, solar, energy storage, bio-fuel, hydroelectric, zero emission gas turbines, clean coal gasification, bio-waste energy, landfill methane capture, agricultural feed-stock, hydroponics, green smart cities, airports, industrial parks with eco-industrial engineering, desalination, and green transportation.

These are the types of infrastructure that create efficiencies and empower productivity improvements, the drivers of economic development. When you combine these with social benefits and environmental responsibilities you are creating the ecosystem for sustainable economic growth that improves peoples lives.

Rather than invest in technology development or in companies, we invest in advanced proven technologies that can be scaled to municipal level economic development and employ that development where it can do the most good – in developing countries infrastructure.

We employ patient capital to allow these long term improvements to increase individual wealth in the communities we work in, within a sustainable ecosystem, while also providing an independent healthy return on capital for our investors. A fund description can be found on this page: Bond Offerings



Why ZERO EMIT private green development fund?


What is ESMF and where does it fit into the picture of a profit-making company?


An ESMF, Environmental & Social Management Framework, is a governing framework designed to guide the behaviors of developers so that they address potential risks to their business, while at the same time benefit the community where their development work is carried on.  The outcome sought is to be environmentally conscious and socially conscious to produce positive outcomes, all while making a profit doing development.

In most companies the ESMF tends to be a peripheral activity, outside of generating profit, when doing economic development projects.  But the objective is to have a sustainable business.  In order to have a sustainable profitable business every business has to address the needs of their stakeholders.

Their stakeholders are their employees and leadership staff, their customers, the local community where their activities are taking place and the local and state-run governance body, under whose laws and regulatory authority they are obliged to operate.  While it may be impossible to make everyone happy, if you plan and execute that plan, then the likelihood of success outweighs the potential that the risks involved will tear down you enterprise.

So the plan involves addressing the outcomes you want to see and the actions you execute to get to your goal, while at the same time, addresses the potential risks involved before they may occur so that your are prepared to mitigate those risks if they do arise.

ZERO EMIT Private Green Development Fund’s Project Implementation will include among others the building of energy, water management, industrial parks (including processing and manufacturing anchor tenants), communication, housing and smart cities, which all encompass measures to protect the environment, control water pollution and policy measures to protect critical ecosystems, including the flora and fauna in the project catchment areas.  The ESMF policy thus makes a high quality environment a key element supporting the region’s economic and social development.  Most all of the Zero Emit projects have carbon credits attached.

What a plan encompasses first is engagement with the community to address what their needs are.  While we have a formula that defines for us what infrastructure needs to be developed, we can not assume we know all the needs of the local community where the work is to commence.  So data is collected surrounding the indicators which are measurable KPIs for SDG projects we intend to do and then those same indicators are measured and evaluated later on to be able to prove that the outcomes we sought before hand resulted in environmental protections, social benefits and increased economic outcomes within the community.  Along the way there is continuous engagement with the stakeholders involved so that any problems can be addresses quickly so they do not become a mountain of ugliness.

What makes the most sense for governments is to first fully adopt the national Environmental & Social Policy and then add to it where it is deficient.  The reason that policy is usually deficient is that development has been allowed to occur without:

  • adherence to the national policy,
  • without building codes surrounding development
  • without enforcement of any building codes
  • without any adherence to world environmental concerns
  • without any reasonable clean storm water or waste-water codes
  • without enforcement of road building codes
  • without private sector CAPEX on sufficient profit generating infrastructure
  • without infrastructure sufficient to capture taxes needed for producing quality public works.

Simply put, a lack of revenue is the cause of these deficits.

With all these deficits it is really hard for governments to do any intentional economic development, especially when you consider that most all of the development has to come at the expense of the most successful businesses within the region.

Governments like to call this activity investments, but they are really reallocation of capital from the private sector to the public sector (after the cost of governance has been extracted).

So real development is been driven mostly by those with private sector CAPEX that are seeking a profit.

Most of the circumstances surrounding new development is that it can either be built in lower populated areas and done correctly or there is considerable reversing of present conditions where significant redevelopment is necessary in order to correct for poorly built infrastructure.  This means that development in higher populated areas will impose significant constraints on the daily life.

It is jokingly said that there are two seasons in northern climate countries, winter and road construction.

But in developing countries where the climate does not impede development there should be one season annually, road construction.

But in stead, because the developing country does not have the infrastructure to capture taxes from the gray market, which can be in excess of 50% or the economic activity in a developing country, the governors will then encroach on the profit sector, building infrastructure that is profit oriented in order to support those that govern.  Government needs to feed itself first.

So the government will invite foreign expertise to come in and extract their natural resources for a profit.  They will also build infrastructure, such as energy infrastructure so that they can extract profits from the private sector where taxing is not possible.  This is natural.

Everyone wishes to capture the productive capacity of those that are less fortunate and produce the least resistance to that capture.

Thus governments will try to be capitalists.

Capitalists will attempt to be employers, and financiers will become lenders.
As long as individual agency is protected no one is complaining that their time is being traded in order to provide profit for those willing to take bigger risks.  Of course governments are doing it with other peoples money, that of the governed, and have the guns to enforce their way.

There are two reasons the government should attempt to restrain itself from engaging in profit sector activities.

  • One is that because government can choose to do all or some of its activities against the will of the governed.  They have the opportunity to exercise unrighteous dominion over their compatriots – and they can do it for their own profit.
  • The second reason is that governments make choices, not based upon economic outcomes, but in stead make choices based on acquiring greater power and authority over the governed.  Their choices are driven by acquiring greater voter blocks or by building a bigger military.  In countries where the population is restrained in their public voice the military has been built to enforce subservience of their own population.

With developed countries there is a problem with both of those activities.  The more capital that is extracted from the private sector and the greater the blanket of regulation the more military is required to control their own populous.  As the government makes more and more decisions for people, for their own benefit, the less private exercise in decision making is utilized.  Without exercise, complacency, atrophy and debility grows.  Then, the only way to protect those that govern from those that are governed is by the use of force.

There is a reason why the USA is the country with the highest percentage of those incarcerated.  Buying votes has its downside.  Theocrats, oligarchs, socialists, communists, racists and despots learn this the hard way.  Sometimes they lose their heads.  This often results in even greater evils to gain control of the populous.

The political risk of trying to improve peoples lives in countries where those that govern have already stolen power from their own citizenry is beyond the scope of this article.  Multinationals can not go to war to enforce their property rights.  So development will naturally lag where there is significant political ownership risk (ie: poor property rights protection).

The world-wide trend is towards privatization not nationalizing of the profit making ecosystem because the economic decisions of the governors are too often adverse to real economic development.  There are examples too numerous to bother pointing fingers.

Real economic development, the kind that improves the peoples economic,
social and environmental outcomes, comes by providing infrastructure
which empowers improving efficiency and productivity
within a free market, constantly learning ecosystem.


It is not easy to do this intentionally.  I have written a book on how to do intentional eco-development that has yet to be published.  And I have taken 20 years to study the topic, so I have a fair idea how to create outcomes that everybody wants to see.

So I’m suggesting that each business, engaged in development, should develop their own environmental and social management framework.

That is the reason behind developing a healthy ESMF framework.

The private sector needs to engage, influence, and guide its own self governance to improve peoples lives.  In doing so the private sector also manifests an economically profitable and sustainable ecosystem where people care about their compatriots by performing self governed activities.  We become good at what we practice.

We can not leave this good work to governments.  The private sector is much better suited to deliver profitable economic development.  We are not building bridges to nowhere to garner votes.

The profitable endeavors we build can be built to improve the economic, social and environmental outcomes of the people where the work is being done.  In doing so there are natural economic benefits that flow through to our own economic neighborhood.

The ESMF that we put in place forms a foundation of expectant behavior for our corporate activity, which is why we go about generating the guidelines in the first place.

We hope this helps to shed some light on the reason for slowing down just a bit and defining HOW you want to get the work done by providing a framework to govern that work.

The potential positive outcome of addressing these concerns is that development delivers economic freedom, and economic freedom makes possible further development.  All of this good work improves people’s lives.

So there is a reason why Zero Emit set up a Green Private Sector Finance Fund.  Frankly, it is the only intentional way to do economic development that meets the needs of creating environmentally sensitive and socially responsible development.



ZERO EMIT private green development fund for a Better World

The post Why Green Private Sector Finance appeared first on Zero Emit.
